Dove Ministries Good News to the Poor and Needy, Inc.

Message From our Dove Ministries President.

We currently have an urgent need for funds to complete construction of an Orphanage/residential building to house and care for needy orphans in Ghana, West Africa. We are praying that God will speak to your heart to donate whatever you can. No gift is too small. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Blessings.

-Pat Rodgers, President

Welcome! Please Give. Your gift helps the children and the homeless.

Click the “CLICK HERE TO GIVE NOW” button.

We need your help urgently.

We Need You!

Dove Ministries Good News to the Poor and Needy, Inc., is a Christian not-for-profit organization headquartered in the USA, with a mission to work with the community to assist the homeless, to join with other organizations to provide housing, medical and psychological support for the disenfranchised in the USA, and to support needy orphans in Ghana, West Africa.

Please click on our posts below.

We gladly accept your charitable donations via credit card, PayPal, CashApp or your check. You can deduct your charitable contributions when filing for your  income taxes. Dove Ministries Good News to the Poor and Needy, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3  non-profit organization.

Dove Ministries Good News to the Poor and Needy, Inc., depends on your donations. 100% of your contributions go toward spreading the Good News of Jesus, the Christ.

Help us complete this construction project for the children in Sunyani.

Please help the needy!!!

Please help us to complete building up this location in West Africa to help the children.

We need your donation to the glory of God. Thank you!


Message from Pat Rodgers, President:

… We are praying that God will speak to your heart to donate whatever you can. No gift is too small …

Click the “Click Here to Give Now” button to give via credit card, via PayPal, or by check).

Praise God! God is saving the little children. We need your help to keep them worshipping the Savior and to keep them out of the hands of the enemy.


Little girl’s prayer translated by Director, Rev. Patrick Amoateng: Oh God, thank for bringing us together as one family. Oh Lord, help us to remember our [Bible] memory verses. As we are going home don’t allow any harm to come to us. [For] the teachers who came to teach us today, Oh God, protect them and take them home safely. Amen.

Orphanage progress in Ghana.

Dove Ministries Orphanage Progress2 in Ghana.

Orphanage Progress

Dove Orphanage Progress #4 (2024-01-12)

Good News Clubs Live

Kwatire, Ghana: Good News Prayer by a beautiful little girl.

Take a tour of Sunyani.

We need your help!!!

We cannot do this without you.

Dove Ministries Good News to the Poor and Needy, Inc., depends on private donations. Please consider increasing your donation by 3-4% to cover transaction fees. We appreciate your contributions. 

Please CLICK GIVE to donate by Credit Card, Debit Card, or by check!

$Cash App


Give by $Cash App on your mobile app.

  Pay To:  $DoveMinistries


Choose any way to GIVE and we are grateful.

Sister Paulina is nurturing this previously Abandoned and Rescued Baby and named him Joel.

View your donation history and Contact us!

Thank you for visiting!

We appreciate your visit today. Your gift means a lot to us and a great deal to our Father above! Be blessed today, in the name of Jesus.

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